Ending the HIV Epidemic Supplement Projects
Dennis Li, PhD, Northwestern University, Andrea Dakin, PhD, AIDS Foundation of Chicago, and Jill Dispenza, Center on Halsted
Project Title: Assessing a Centralized Care Engagement and Syndemics Strategy for HIV (ACCESS-HIV)
Jade Pagkas-Bather, MD, University of Chicago, and Warren Komis, MPH, Chicago Family Health Center
Project Title: Chicago One Step PrEP: Examining the Acceptability and Feasibility of Pharmacy-Led PrEP Starts and Management Within the Patient-Centered Health Home
Amelia Van Pelt, PhD, Northwestern University, and Jorge Cestou, PhD, Chicago Department of Public Health
Project Title: Crowdsourcing Strategies for the Implementation of Long-Acting Injectable Cabotegravir (CAB-LA) for HIV Prevention for Men Who Have Sex with Men in Chicago
Russell Brewer, DrPH, University of Chicago, and Sarah Chrestman, MPH, Louisiana Public Health Institute
Project Title: Project RISE: Relevant Implementation Strategies to Enhance (RISE) a Status Neutral Approach to HIV Prevention and Treatment
Moira McNulty, MD, University of Chicago, Hale Thompson, PhD, Howard Brown Health, and Brandon Hill, PhD, Vivent Health
Project Title: Identifying barriers and facilitators to a status neutral implementation strategy for rapid-start antiretroviral treatment for HIV prevention and care in community-based care setting
Maria Pyra, PhD, Northwestern University, and Zyra Gordon-Smith, DNP, Howard Brown Health
Project Title: Increasing PrEP Awareness and Demand Among Black Women
Dennis Li, PhD, Northwestern University, Jorge Cestou, PhD, MBA, Chicago Department of Public Health and Nanette Benbow, MAS, Northwestern University
Project Title: Identifying Critical Components of Linkage and Retention Strategies for HIV Care
Maria Pyra, PhD, Northwestern University, and LaSheena Miller, MHA, Howard Brown Health
Project Title: FAHST-ITAP: Food and Housing Support to Improve HIV Treatment and Prevention
Harita Shah, MD, University of Chicago, and Pedro Serrano, MPH, CPH, Hektoen Institute for Medical Research
Project Title: A Pilot Intervention to Increase PrEP Awareness and Uptake
Claudia Hawkins, MD, Northwestern University, and Alfred Torrence, MD, Howard Brown Health
Project Title: Evaluation of Telehealth during COVID-19: Its acceptability and impact upon care among persons living with HIV
Kathryn Macapagal, PhD, Northwestern University, and Jim Pickett, AIDS Foundation of Chicago
Project Title: Adaptation of a social marketing campaign to promote PrEP awareness among adolescents in Cook County, IL
Russell Brewer, DrPH, University of Chicago, and Chad Zawitz, MD, Cook County Health
Project Title: Preparing for Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Scale-out in Criminal Justice Settings (CJS)
Moira McNulty, MD, University of Chicago, and Laura Rusie, ScM, Howard Brown Health
Project Title: PrEP persistence and implementation in high burden areas in the Midwest
Jessica Ridgway, MD, MS, University of Chicago, and Shemeka Irby, PA-C, Howard Brown Health
Project Title: Improving PrEP Uptake and Persistence among Women of Color
John Schneider, MD, MPH, University of Chicago, and Chad Hendry, Howard Brown Health
Project Title: Next Generation Responses to HIV related Events in Ending the Epidemic Contexts