Previous Third Coast CFAR Symposia

The Third Coast CFAR organizes an annual symposium that brings together the CFAR community to discuss research topics related to HIV prevention, treatment, and basic science. Symposia attract many prominent speakers and convenes faculty, trainees, community partners, and practitioners interested in talking about findings from global, national, and local HIV research. Links to prior TC CFAR symposia are provided below.

2022 CFAR Annual National Meeting

2021 Third Coast CFAR’s Viral Pathogenesis Core Symposium: Breakthroughs in HIV Research

2019 Inter-CFAR Women and HIV Symposium

2018 Third Coast CFAR Annual Symposium: Ending the HIV Epidemic – Think Globally, Act Locally

2017 Third Coast CFAR Annual Symposium: Bridging the Disciplines to Understand HIV Transmission

2016 Fall Third Coast CFAR HIV Research Symposium: Satellite Sessions at HIVR4P

2016 Third Coast CFAR Inaugural Symposium: Building Academic-Public Health Partnerships to End the HIV Epidemic