The organizers of the Third Coast CFAR’s inaugural symposium would like to thank the presenters and participants for making the event a success. If you have questions or feedback about the symposium, please contact Justin Schmandt, Assistant Director for Community Interactions and External Communication.

1:30 pm Welcome from Symposium Co-Chairs

Nanette Benbow, MAS
Northwestern University

John Schneider, MD, MPH
University of Chicago

1:40 pm Opening Remarks

Alan Greenberg, MD, MPH
George Washington University

2:00 pm PrEP Implementation (panel and discussion)

Lead Speaker:
Dawn Smith, MD, MPH, MS
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Jim Pickett
AIDS Foundation of Chicago

John Schneider, MD, MPH
University of Chicago

Richard Elion, MD
George Washington University

Leandro Mena, MD, MPH
University of Mississippi

Demetre Daskalakis, MD, MPH
NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene

David Kern
Chicago Department of Public Health

4:00 pm Molecular HIV Surveillance (panel and discussion)

Lead speaker:
Alexandra Oster, MD
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Nanette Benbow, MAS
Northwestern University

Susan Little, MD
University of California San Diego

Art Poon, PhD, MSc
British Columbia Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS

Gregory Phillips II, PhD, MS
Northwestern University

Joel Wertheim, PhD
University of California San Diego

5:30 pm Closing Remarks

Emily Erbelding, MD, MPH
Division of AIDS, NIAID/NIH


Parking will be validated for the Huron Superior Garage, at 222 E. Huron, between St. Clair and Fairbanks.

Baldwin Auditorium
Lurie Medical Research Center
Northwestern University
303 E. Superior St.
Chicago, IL 60611