HIV Data Dissemination to Inform GTZ-IL Progress and Identify Areas for Improvement

In December 2021, the Behavioral, Social, and Implementation Sciences (BSIS) Core organized a workshop to introduce the Getting to Zero-Illinois (GTZ-IL) HIV Dashboard to the local HIV research community. Meg McElroy, from the AIDS Foundation of Chicago, provided an overview of GTZ-IL and progress measures. Charlotte Burnett demonstrated navigating the dashboard. Gregory Phillips II and Nanette Benbow presented current trends in HIV and ideas to use the dashboard to inform new directions for research and practice.

The GTZ-IL Plan launched in May 2019, detailing goals for achieving zero new HIV diagnoses by the year 2030. This initiative is led by the Chicago and Illinois Departments of Public Health and AIDS Foundation Chicago, and includes representatives from across the state.  One of the most substantial updates is the launch of a GTZ-IL data dashboard in 2021, the development of which was led by CFAR investigators. The dynamic and interactive data dashboard serves to both track the progress of the initiative and allows users to customize and share detailed data on HIV trends in Chicago and Illinois.

Download the presentation.