AIDSVu, an interactive online map illustrating characteristics of the HIV epidemic in the United States, has released the first-ever publicly available data and interactive maps of PrEP use by state. The data visualize the growth in PrEP use by year, age, and sex.
In its eighth year, AIDSVu continues its mission to make HIV data widely available and easily accessible to inform public health decision making. AIDSVu is updated on an ongoing basis with surveillance data released by the CDC and other publicly available data sets.
AIDSVu was developed by Emory University’s Rollins School of Public Health in partnership with Gilead Sciences, Inc. The project is guided by an Advisory Committee, a Prevention and Treatment Advisory Committee, and a Technical Advisory Group with representatives from federal agencies, state health departments, and non-governmental organizations working in HIV prevention, care, and research.
You can view the data at this link.