Seminar Series

The Third Coast CFAR seminar series features local, national, and global experts on current topics in HIV research, across all scientific disciplines. The seminar series is open to the public and all Third Coast CFAR stakeholders are encouraged to participate. Seminars are typically scheduled on Mondays from noon to 1:00 p.m. Central Time. View upcoming seminars below and previous seminars here.

Current Month

February 2025

202506feb12:00 pm1:00 pmWho Stigmatizes PrEP Use More: Current Users or PrEP-Naïve Individuals?

202506feb1:00 pm7:00 pmChicagoland K Day

202513feb12:00 pm1:00 pmTechnological Approaches to Improving Medication Adherence in People with HIV: Relational Agents and Electronic Adherence Monitoring

202524feb12:00 pm1:00 pmClinical, Behavioral, and Biological Impacts of HIV on Musculoskeletal Health

202526febAll Day28CFAR Social and Behavioral Sciences Research Network Conference

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