Fall 2016 Third Coast HIV Research Symposium

October 17, 2016 Sheraton Grand Hotel

The Third Coast Center for AIDS Research and SLAP HIV will co-present two satellite sessions before the HIVR4P conference.

Download the complete symposium program.

Symposium Agenda

Morning Session 8:30 am – 11:30 am

Chicago Room VIII

Addressing the Leading Edge of the Epidemic: Advancing Prevention Programs for Urban YMSM in the United States


Kenneth Mayer, MD
Fenway Institute


Alida Bouris, PhD
University of Chicago

Sybil Hosek, PhD
Stroger Hospital of Cook County

Aditya Khanna, PhD
University of Chicago

Brian Mustanski, PhD
Northwestern University

Michael Newcomb, PhD
Northwestern University

Afternoon Session 12:30 pm – 3:30 pm

Michigan Room

Long-Acting Drug Release Systems for PrEP and Treatment


Andrea Ballerini, MD
Houston Methodist Research Institute

Meredith Clark, PhD
CONRAD, Eastern Virginia Medical School

Rodney Ho, PhD
University of Washington

Patrick Kiser, PhD
Northwestern University

William Lykins
University of California, San Diego

Bill Spreen, PhD

The symposium is open to the public and seating is available on a first come first basis.

The symposium organizers would like to acknowledge NIH grants P30 AI117943 (CFAR) and UM1 AI120184 (SLAP HIV).



The conference hotel is easily accessible by taxi and public transportation. The satellite organizers are not able to validate parking.

Questions? Please email cfar@northwestern.edu.

Sheraton Hotel
301 E North Water St, Chicago, IL 60611