The Third Coast Center for AIDS Research is excited to solicit nominations for topics for a new Scientific Working Group (SWG). Activities of a new SWG will be piloted in 2024 and formally proposed in the Third Coast CFAR’s grant renewal.

Background and Purpose

SWGs are designed to leverage CFAR resources to advance research on a topic in HIV science that is not already fully developed at a CFAR’s institutions. Per PAR-23-16, the goal of a SWG is to promote multi-disciplinary collaborations that result in successful applications for new NIH HIV research awards. Each SWG will be comprised of investigators who share a common interest in a specific area of scientific focus that addresses at least one NIH Office of AIDS Research priority.

The Third Coast CFAR’s first two SWGs stimulated multiple new NIH HIV grants led by faculty members and their partners. The END HIV SWG (2015-2019) developed research collaborations with health departments and public health data. The Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) SWG (2019-current) catalyzes implementation research partnerships between community-based organizations in EHE jurisdictions and CFAR faculty.


SWGs routinely utilize seminars, symposia, think tanks, or journal clubs to facilitate new connections and develop research ideas. SWGs are also encouraged to leverage CFAR resources through the Developmental and Scientific Cores to advance their aims.


The new SWG may be led or co-led by faculty at Northwestern University, the University of Chicago, Rush University, or the University of Illinois at Chicago. Local community and health department partners are also encouraged to propose ideas for SWGs. Individuals with key roles on a SWG will be supported with effort on the CFAR P30. SWG membership is open to all.

SWG topics should be broad enough to engage scientists from a variety of disciplines. Topics should also be of interest to investigators at multiple institutions. SWGs led by cross-institutional teams are highly encouraged.


By Tuesday, January 9, 2024, please submit nominations for new SWGs via this form. Contact Justin Schmandt with questions.