As part of strategic planning for the Third Coast CFAR’s renewal application in 2024, the Developmental Core is exploring opportunities to expand and evolve its leadership. Core leadership invites applications for 1-2 new positions.  


The Core serves a vital function in the Third Coast CFAR, with a mission to support investigators on a path to independent NIH funding for HIV research and to catalyze new research collaborations, especially those that are cross-disciplinary and bring together investigators from multiple Third Coast CFAR institutions. Since the Core supports all disciplines within HIV science, we strive for its leaders to have complementary expertise.


The following qualifications are typical for leaders of Developmental Cores in the CFAR network:

  • A track record of leading multiple NIH grants for HIV research as PI, including at least one R01 or equivalent grant.
  • An appointment at Northwestern University or the University of Chicago at the rank of associate or full professor.
  • Demonstrated success mentoring early stage investigators and forging new collaborations.
  • Experience serving on NIH study sections or review panels.

Activities and Support

Core leaders’ time is supported by the CFAR P30 grant and will be commensurate with the scope and responsibilities of the role. Candidates should be interested in serving in Developmental Core leadership for at least four years. The start date is flexible. In cases where a candidate is succeeding a current Core leader, an appropriate transition period will be supported.

Activities led by Core faculty include the following:

  • An active pilot award program that funds at least six awards in noncompeting years. Pilots are selected in NIH-style competitions.
  • Roughly one special competition per year in collaboration with a scientific score or scientific working group to stimulate new research that advances specific goals of the Third Coast CFAR.
  • Selecting and mentoring internal candidates who will move forward with full applications to NIH for annual CFAR-specific administrative and EHE supplement competitions.
  • Organizing several mock reviews per year for applications to NIH, especially for recent Developmental Core awardees.
  • Fostering opportunities for intentional mentor-mentee interactions, including making introductions between new and established investigators.
  • Outreach to established investigators who are interested in pursuing HIV grants.

The Core meets 1-2 times per month. The center’s Associate Director, Justin Schmandt, and Research Administrator, Christy Allen, provide extensive technical, programmatic, and administrative support to Core leadership so that faculty time is focused on scientific and career development activities.

Application Process

By Monday, August 7, 2023, please email Justin Schmandt with your CV and a letter describing the skills and experience that you would bring to the Core. Please indicate whether you are interested in a role that leads all activities of the Core or one that is focused on specific programs in the Core’s portfolio. Core leaders are happy to provide more information or answer questions.

In appointing Core leaders, the Third Coast CFAR’s Steering Committee considers, in addition to research record, balance across institutions, scientific expertise, and social background.