The Behavioral, Social, and Implementation Sciences (BSIS) Core of the Third Coast CFAR has been undertaking leadership succession planning, and after 8 years of serving as the founding director of the Core, Judy Moskowitz, PhD, MPH, will be stepping down from this role. The CFAR leadership thanks Dr. Moskowitz for her exceptional dedication and leadership. Alida Bouris, PhD, MSW, who has served as the founding BSIS Core Co-Director, will be staying on in the leadership team of the Core. Nanette Benbow, MAS, will stay on as Co-Director, providing leadership and services for public health and implementation science.

We invite interested CFAR members to apply for the role of Core Director or Co-Director, with the appointment being determined by CFAR leadership. Directors and Co-Directors provide vision and leadership for the Core, oversee allocation of Core resources, write the Core progress report and renewal application, as well as provide BSIS services to HIV-related projects and proposals, with the support of Core staff. The Core Director leads the monthly BSIS team meeting and works with the Core manager to plan the agenda. Applicants must be mid-career and above with experience with R01-level funding as PI.

We are also calling for applicants for a Core Investigator position, which is a pathway for early career investigators to learn about Core functions and gain mentorship on Core leadership. In addition to learning and engaging in Core leadership, Core Investigators will provide BSIS services to HIV-related projects and proposals to CFAR members.

Individuals in both positions will be compensated commensurate with the role. The start date for positions is flexible and can be worked out with CFAR and BSIS Core leadership.

Please submit your CV and letter describing the skills and experience that you would bring to the Core Director, Co-Director, or Core Investigator role by August 1, 2023, to Angel Aviña, BSIS Core manager, at    

In appointing Core leaders, the Third Coast CFAR’s Steering Committee considers, in addition to research record, balance across institutions, scientific expertise, and social background.