In the interest of increasing diversity and representation of minority scholars in HIV research, the Third Coast CFAR has identified local HIV-focused grants that appear eligible to apply for diversity supplements from the NIH. Supplement awards enhance the diversity of the research workforce by recruiting and supporting students, post-doctorates, and faculty-level investigators from diverse backgrounds, including those from groups that have been shown to be underrepresented in health-related research. The CFAR is particularly interested in supporting applications that will support new or early-stage investigators (ESI). Established principal investigators and ESIs are encouraged to contact the CFAR to request match-making or support for the application process. View additional resources below: 

NIH program announcement for diversity supplements PA-21-071

It is helpful to review the specific requirements of the institute funding the parent grant as they do vary somewhat from institute to institute. View the list of contacts by institute.

CFAR Co-Director Brian Mustanski’s workshop on applying for diversity supplements. View recording and slides.

This presentation from William T. Grant Foundation’s “Moving It Forward” program provides practical advice and resources on addressing institutional barriers facing early career investigators of color.