NYU’s Spatial Epidemiology Lab is searching for a postdoctoral fellow to work collaboratively on one of our new R01 projects. The project investigative team includes Dr. Ichiro Kawachi (Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health),  Dr. Asa Radix (Callen-Lorde Community Health Center) as well as Dr. John Schneider (University of Chicago School of Medicine), among other leading scholars in social epidemiology, spatial epidemiology, network epidemiology, HIV prevention science and LGBT health disparities. A link to our project is here followed by the job announcement here.

The Spatial Epidemiology Lab at New York University (NYU) School of Medicine’s Department of Population Health, led by Dr. Dustin Duncan, is hiring a full-time Postdoctoral Research Fellow. The NYU Spatial Epidemiology Lab (www.spatialepilab.org) is a dynamic and active research group focused on connecting neighborhoods and health. The lab employs a geospatial lens in studying health behaviors and outcomes, especially sleep health and sexual health. The lab has an emphasis on health disparities and vulnerable populations, with a strong focus on sexual and gender minority populations, including gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender women. The postdoctoral research focus will be on the study of spatial epidemiology in HIV prevention in vulnerable populations, with attention to intersectionality perspectives.

The selected postdoctoral fellow will assist with oversight and management of existing grant projects (especially a NIH-funded project focused on understanding the role of social capital and social cohesion in neighborhoods and networks in relation to HIV prevention among transwomen of color in New York City), supervision of staff, and data analyses and manuscript writing. The fellow will receive mentorship in grant writing (including K career development award or R-level grant). We have a number of geospatial health datasets that the fellow can analyze, including a dataset of 253 MSM in New York City who were GPS-tracked for two-weeks. Significant research experience (as evidenced by peer-reviewed publications) and a demonstrated interest in HIV/AIDS, LGBT, and/or neighborhoods research are necessary; a strong background in previous project management, rigorous research methods (e.g., advanced statistics, longitudinal data analyses) and GIS and/or GPS experience is highly desired.

The commitment is 1-2 years. NYU is an equal opportunity employer and we strongly encourage applications from individuals from diverse backgrounds, including racial/ethnic and sexual/gender minorities. Candidates from underrepresented backgrounds are encouraged to apply as this particular opportunity is based on a Diversity Supplement to one of our ongoing NIH grants.


MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: PhD, ScD or DrPH in social sciences or public health, epidemiology, geography or related field.

SALARY: Salary is based in NIH guidelines. Includes a competitive full-time benefits package.

START DATE: By Fall 2019. Can be as early as Winter/Spring 2019.

HOW TO APPLY: Please submit a cover letter describing relevant research experience, a curriculum vitae, and 3-5 representative publications via email to Mr. Brandon Brooks (brandon.brooks@nyulangone.org and spatialepilab@gmail.com) with the subject line Diversity Postdoc Research Position. Candidates should also provide the names and email addresses for three individuals familiar with their work who can be contacted for recommendations. Only those applicants who are selected for interviews will be directly contacted.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: This position will remain open until a qualified applicant is found.