The California National Primate Research Center (CNPRC) Pilot Program invites Letters of Intent for pilot project proposals to support basic and translational research using nonhuman primates (rhesus macaque and titi monkeys) for the 2018-2019 funding period. Pilot projects that address biomedical/translational research topics across the nonhuman primate lifespan and include CNPRC scientific research unit areas (Brain, Mind and Behavior, Infectious Diseases, Reproductive Sciences and Regenerative Medicine, Respiratory Diseases) are requested. Pilot projects should be innovative and lead to tangible results in a one-year period.

NEW Genomics Initiative: For the 2018-2019 funding period, we are seeking proposals that emphasize genomic analysis of human disease-related phenotypes within the CNPRC colony.  Full details of the call and additional information about the CNPRC Pilot Program may be located here.

The deadline for Letters of Intent is February 19, 2018. Full proposals will be requested from a subset of Letters of Intent. Applicants should note that this process is competitive at two levels, for both the Letters of Intent and the full proposals.

Questions about the CNPRC Pilot Program may be emailed to the Associate Director of Research: