Study name: uConnect

Principal Investigator: John Schneider
PI email:

Staff contact: Nicki Lancki
Staff email:

Institution: University of Chicago
Other study sites: NORC

Brief description of study and population:
Longitudinal cohort of Young Black MSM 16-29 starting in 2012

Age range: 16-29

HIV status: all statuses

Race and ethnicity: Black

Overall accrual for study: 2012-2016 observational; 2016-2020 intervention

Recruitment status: open

Visit frequency: 12 months

Enrollment period: 2012-current

Biological specimens: DBS/Plasma, serum, whole blood

Other Self-reported data: Depression screening/Substance use/Sexual behavior/Income, Socio-economic status/Social support/Network characteristics/Relationship dynamics/Medication adherence/Use of health services, insurance status

Clinical and health assessment data: HIV tests/Viral load/Syphillis, other STIs/Anthropometrics